Breakfast is Served: Try This Easy Spring Camping Recipe!

What recipes are you planning to take with you this spring in your new or used RV? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so grab this spring camping recipe for the best French toast you will ever eat! It’s super easy, has minimal ingredients and prep work, and it’s perfect with some hot coffee as you plan your day’s adventures.

Spring Camping Recipe

How to Make the Best French Toast

We’ve all had soggy, super-thin French toast before. Ew. The secret to making the best French toast is threefold: first, you have to use the right kind of bread. And second, you can’t make the egg mixture too liquidy. Lastly, don’t leave the bread sitting in the egg mixture. Dunk it fast and throw it on the griddle.

For the first part, use sourdough bread. Avoid using classic sliced bread or even Texas toast. Those breads are too soft and airy, and soak up way too much of the liquid mixture, resulting in soggy, limp French toast. Sourdough bread, in comparison, is dense and has a slightly drier texture, which lets is soak up just the right amount of egg mixture.

The second part is to limit the add-ins for the egg mixture to keep it from thinning out too much. Our recipe calls for just egg and a wee splash of half and half. (Trust us.)

Finally, don’t let that bread sit in the mix! It will only end up soaking up way too much egg and getting soggy.

Ready to give it a try? Let’s get going!


  • Sourdough bread (2-4 slices per person)
  • Eggs (1 egg per slice of bread, plus a couple extra)
  • ½ cup half and half
  • ½ tsp vanilla (optional)
  • Syrup
  • Butter
  • Other toppings you might like: chopped pecans, blueberries, sliced bananas, or anything else you want on your French toast

You’ll also need:

  • Medium bowl
  • Whisk
  • Tongs or fork
  • Spatula
  • Griddle or frying pan
  • Nonstick spray

Make it!

  • Heat your frying pan or griddle to medium high heat.
  • While the cooking surface is preheating, crack the eggs into bowl and whisk well, adding the half & half and vanilla (if using), mixing well to combine.
  • Lightly spray the griddle or pan with nonstick spray.
  • Working quickly, dunk each piece of bread in the egg mixture and remove with tongs or fork. Do not let the bread sit in the mixture long. You only want to dunk it fast enough to thinly coat each side.
  • Place the bread directly onto the griddle or frying pan.
  • Cook until golden on both sides, flipping as needed.
  • Remove the French toast from the griddle and serve with butter, syrup, or other toppings you like. Yum!
Spring Camping Recipe

Don’t cut corners when it comes to breakfast. When you’re camping in your new or used RV, you want to start each day right, and this spring camping recipe is a delicious way to do that. If you love using your RV’s outdoor kitchen, this is also a perfect spring camping recipe to make outside on cool mornings. Contact us today for help picking out the right RV with the right features for your family!

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